House cleaning

House cleaning

House cleaning services in the context of real estate typically refer to cleaning services provided when a property is being prepared for sale or after a property has been vacated by tenants.

Pre-Sale Cleaning

When a homeowner or real estate agent is preparing a property for sale, they often hire professional house cleaning services to ensure that the property looks its best during showings and open houses. Pre-sale cleaning typically includes thorough cleaning of all areas, from top to bottom. This includes cleaning floors, windows, fixtures, appliances, and more. The goal is to create a spotless and inviting environment that will help attract potential buyers.

Post-Tenant Cleaning

When a rental property is vacated by tenants, it's common practice for landlords or property management companies to hire cleaning services to prepare the property for the next tenant. This cleaning involves deep cleaning and disinfection of all areas, addressing any wear and tear, and ensuring the property is in move-in-ready condition.

Move-In Cleaning

On the flip side, tenants or homeowners who are moving into a new property may opt for move-in cleaning services to ensure the residence is clean and sanitized before they move in. This provides peace of mind and a fresh start in a clean environment.

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